(Saraswathy Srinivasan Prizes and Dr. M. Anandakrishnan Prize)

Applications/Nominations are invited for Young Scientist Awards for the year 2023 in the following five disciplines:
1. Mathematical Sciences 2. Physical Sciences 3. Chemical sciences 4. Biological Sciences 5. Engineering and Technology

Scientists should be below the age of 40 years as on 31/12/2023 and should have work experience for a minimum of 3 years in Tamil Nādu . Application/Nomination forms can be downloaded ( ). The completed application/nomination should be sent by email to: [email protected] and one copy by post with a few selected reprints (at least three) in support of the original and innovative ideas of the author. The application/nomination should be sent to:

The Secretary, The Academy of Sciences, Chennai
Dept. of Nuclear Physics University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai – 600 025.

The envelope should be super scribed as “YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARDS” and the last date for the receipt of application/nomination is 31st December 2023.

The Young Scientist Awards are supported partly by Saraswathy Srinivasan Trust and partly by Dr. M. Anandakrishnan Endowment Fund. The award in each discipline will carry a cash prize of 20,000/- with a certificate of merit.

The purpose of the award is to spot out young talents and so only those who have shown innovative thinking and originality alone need apply or be nominated. A brief account of the original work done along with the publications and citation by others will be helpful to the selection committee.

Those young scientists who have already submitted their applications/nominations in the previous years will also be considered along with the fresh applications received this year, provided they are within the prescribed age limit of 40 years. They need only send their updated resume.


Application Form

Download DOC


Previous Award Winners

Young Scientist Award Winners for previous years
